Dell 2410 Came in!

Finally.. after playing the PS3 for so many months.. on a CRT TV hahah... i finally got the HD Monitor...
Just arrived Yesterday...  which is on the 10th.. wahaha...

The whole Boxes.. and all... 3 Boxes in total...

2 Boxes: 1 came with my Ordered Belkin HDMI and the other 1 Box comes for like a...VGA Cable...

And now the Box...

Took Quite an effort.. wahaha.. Crazy... I couldn't pull out the Monitor out of the box... and Yes.. I have eaten.. and I am STRONG... :p wahaha...

anyway... Took it out and here is how it looks like..

And here is a size comparison with a pen.. :D hehe.. an ordinary pilot pen you can get anywhere...

Oh. .... not to mention the Stand.. 

Comes with Installation disks...

And she is just.. beautiful....

Project: SD Freedom Gundam 5

Been quite sometime to get myself updated...


but.. yea... was quite busy with work.. haha... well.. not.. i am going to do quite a lot of things... Career is working up and all, and but.. yea.. finally.. Found the time to put things together.. Hooaaa!

Anyway... preparing things to get the paint job...  I mean.. applying Mr. Hobby Super Clear (Matt)

I had to arrange the whole pieces to what I want to arrange... and found out that... this was not all to be completed so fast...


I had this... :D instead.. these are the parts to paint

But..  i took this out of the list.. and included something else.. WHAT AM I SAYING...

Here are the parts ready for Matt Clear paint! HOOOAAA!~~~

All of them are using the Skewer Sticks.. which are very very cheap to come by with... haha...

After Clear Coat is done.. then..

Here is how the shoe's Look like.. and they are cool! haha....
I used the shoes as my DVLP work... so as to see if there were any effects .. or any unwanted effects.. so I continued painting...

then.. something.. bad happened...

Work Work!~

Spent the whole Friday... Marking papers... hm...

6 Hours of marking... wahaha...

Goku .. i know how you feel...

Size comparison... wahahah

Project: Paint SD Freedom Gundam 4

Friend said that it was abit dark... so.. i wanted to repaint them... haha.. what to do ... its not just going to be looking at the Gundpla, but.. its going to be all of you.. so.. if it doesnt look nice.. make.. it.. wahaha...

So... preparation of the parts for painting again...

The dark wings of Freedom!

Paint mixing... haha...

Total Disaster.... You'll see what i mean.. just continue reading.. haha...

Project: Paint SD Freedom Gundam 3

Been quite sometime till i posted some project stuff... online due to the insufficient time and balancing of the new career and hobby.. haha... but.. yea... finally got sometime to write.. something now...

Anyway... here are what I have come up with...

Getting the parts ready for paint! I have also cleaned the parts prior to the painting... it took sometime to clean the parts.. haha...

Then started to put paint in... and Wa'la~ Instant ... mess... haha...

Friends of mine said that they were to dark... which i think.. is also abit dark... so.. I am going to repaint them to a much lighter color..

Paint Mixing is next! haha...

Project: Paint SD Freedom Gundam 2

20100419 009, originally uploaded by slj8449.

Done some cleaning of the head. Added some white though... hehe.. But, not much changes... :D

oh.. and I also added the Grey part around the mouth area.. I guess it looks much better now.. I still have yet to fix the face and the V-Fin :D hahah....

Project: Paint SD Freedom Gundam 1

Hi blog and people... I have been playing around with some paint and all. And this is my first time to use paint. It was a very wonderful experience...
For those who have not painted anything yet... do try to paint.

How I did my SD Gundam for the head, was abit of a mess. I was trying out how the things went, and so forth, and finally ended up with messing it abit. Tried to redo the paint.. and applying several layers of paint to it to improve the looks of it. But, to my avail, it still didnt change the look. But, anyway... it was a good experience.

My hands were abit shaky the first time, and soon after, I manage to minimse the shaking and got some details on the Head.

A word of advice, be patient with painting and you will be great! Thinner works wonderous. Apply lots of it to make your brush marks go away... by painting several layers over and over again. haha...

Here is a snapshot of the head.

Will be fixing the yellow V fin of the head soon. but, for now.. it looks beautiful... hahah.. :D

Colors used:
Tamiya Color-
Code Color Remarks
XF-3 Flat Yellow For the V-Fin and the Eyes!
XF-2 Flat White The Whole Head
X-14 Sky Blue For the Forehead
X-7 Red For the Lower eyes and Beard ^_^
X-1 Black For the outer layer of the eyes
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